JsonTool allows you to transform JSON using JavaScript-- right in your browser.
Use it to normalize your objects, query a data set, sort records, or whatever you want!
How to use it:
- Paste or upload some JSON into the editor on the left.
- Massage the data in the
function in the middle editor. Return the
object you want.
- Click the TRANSFORM button
Is it secret? Is it safe?
JsonTool runs entirely in your browser. There are no server post backs harvesting your data.
Check your developer console if you don't believe me ;)
Wait, you let me run arbitrary JavaScript in your tool?
Yes. You can enter any JS code in the transform window that you want.
So I can redirect to other sites and hijack the page?
Again, this is a 100% static site-- it runs entirely in your browser.
Nothing is posted to my server, let alone stored for other users to see.
If you want to write some JS code to redirect your own browser to YouTube or post
to some malicious API, go right ahead-- it's your browser.
How much load would break this?
The text editor library I'm using has some pretty good optimizations built in to prevent crashing
the page for beefy files,
but again, how much load the tool will handle on your browser depends on... your browser. If you
upload a 1 GB JSON file
or write an infinite loop in your transform code, that's on you.
So what libraries power this thing, anyway?
Now you're talking. I use
Bootstrap UI framework,
jQuery for the logic (don't judge-- I'll
switch to React or Vue... eventually),
Ace for the editors,
Font Awesome for the icons,
GitHub for source
and the awesome Netlify for hosting and CD.
New features?
If you want to request a new feature, create an issue on for the project on GitHub.
If you want to add your own, fork it and submit a pull request.
This tool made my life easier! Can I buy you a root beer?
Aw, thanks, I won't say no to that!
You can contact me at my website
or hit me up on Venmo or PayPal if you feel so inclined: